Do you love your life? Or do you often find yourself wishing things were different?
Do you feel excited to get up and get going in the morning? Or do you feel like every day is the same as the last? Do you have fun every day? Or do you feel bored quite often? If you answered negatively to these questions, don’t worry! It happens to the best of us. The truth is that it can be all too easy to get busy and forget that our lives require our active participation in order to stay fresh and exciting. So on today’s podcast, I am going to share with you 3 simple things you can do to start falling in love with your life all over again. Join me! If you would like more inspiration, download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! And join us in the Life Designed Community on Facebook!
Welcome to A Life Designed. My name is Tina Haisman. I teach busy moms how to get every thing done and still have time for themselves. My passion is for helping women create more heart-to-heart connection with their husband and children so they can feel deeply fulfilled in their most important relationships. The topic of today’s podcast is How to Fall in Love with Your Life. But before we get started I want to let you know I have a FREE private group on Facebook where you can come to get inspiration for your life. It’s called A Life Designed. I hope you’ll join us! Also, I have created a free download call the Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care. It’s a Guide to help you take care of yourself in mind, body and spirit so you can feel like your best self every day. Visit my website to download it. Now let’s Dive IN and talk about How to Fall in Love with Your Life Let’s start with a couple of questions today. Do you wake up in the morning excited for the day ahead or are you filled with dread? Are you thriving in your days or are you just surviving your days? Are you living your best life or are you feeling a bit uninspired as a mother and a wife? There was a time in my life that I realized I wasn’t living my best life. I think I’ve shared a couple of my stories here on the podcast before. Even though I had everything I ever wanted, I wasn’t happy or fulfilled or at peace in my life. I didn’t fully realize it either, until it smacked me in the face one day. You might have heard me talk about this before. But my response when I realized I was living in survival mode was a prayer for help. God sent me help, but not in the way I would have imagined. Instead of sending me some help with the housework and maybe a sitter for the kids or an assistant for my business or even on a lavish vacation, he sent me a writing assignment. Work. Can you believe that guy? But, of course, he knows best. So, I took the writing assignment. And it changed the trajectory of my life. I was asked to write an article for a parenting magazine about how moms can get everything done that they need to, but still have time and energy for themselves. As I wrote that article, I interviewed some life coaches for answers. Needless to say, I loved what the life coaches had to say, so I hired one! And that is how I learned to go from surviving to thriving in life. I learned that I am in charge of my own happiness. And that I get to take responsibility for it. And go after it. That happiness isn’t just going to come to me. I learned 3 steps to take in order to fall in love with my life. 1. I learned that I had to get to know myself better. 2. I had to make room in my life for the things I loved. 3. And I needed to be intentional each and every day with both my personal and professional life. Here’s a little peak of what each of those areas looked like. Getting to know myself better meant exploring what my God-given gifts are and how I could apply them to motherhood, marriage and my career. I was able to gain so much love for myself by focusing on what my gifts are, instead of what my shortcomings are. I find that so often in life we are focusing on what is wrong with us. What needs fixing. My friends, this is a stressful, unhappy place to live. But focusing on what our gifts are and how we can use them in our lives shifts our energy and brings us peace and joy. Speaking of joy, I also took some time to discover what I enjoy doing. As moms we often put all of this on the back burner while we take care of our families, but this leads to burnout, exhaustion and unhappiness. We need to ask ourselves, what do I like? What makes me feel good? And incorporate more of that into our lives. For me, this led to much more happiness in life and eventually a rewarding, soul-filling career change. Hello Life Coaching! The second phase of learning how to love my life was learning how to identify and let go of activities and relationships that were draining my energy. This consisted of looking at my daily and weekly activities and the people I interacted with and identifying situations that left me feeling depleted, instead of energized. I learned that I needed to let go of those things. And that it was OK. We all have things in our lives that we hold onto, because we believe we need to for some reason. A careful, prayerful analysis can show us what we no longer need to hold on to and allow us to lovingly release it so we can make space for what would actually make us happy. We will never be our best self while holding on to toxic activities and relationships. In the wise words of Elsa the snow queen, let it go! Once you do, you’re ready for the … The third phase of growth was learning how to design my days the way I wanted them to be. Just a second ago, we talked about removing the things that drain your energy, this is so we can make room for the things that fill us up. One of the things I did was come up with a list of things that I love to do. That make me happy. This list contained the things that I would love to do every day. It included things like journaling, praying, meditating, exercising, resting, spending one-on-one time with my children and connecting with at least one friend or family member each day. You see, I was stuck in the mindset of work first, play later. And this was not working, because all I ever did was work. I didn’t leave much time for things I actually enjoyed doing. One of my best stories that illustrates my growth in this area is a fun one from when Alyssa was a toddler. When it was time to change her diaper, sometimes she would giggle and scoot her cute little butt around so I couldn’t get the fresh diaper on. It frustrated me. I would say, let me get your diaper on and we can play after that. You may laugh at me, but this came up in a call with my life coach. And she so beautifully pointed out to me that perhaps Alyssa was showing me that we can play and work at the same time. I just loved that perspective and it helped me learn how to prioritize fun in my life. So, these three steps got me on the path to feeling happier in my marriage, motherhood and my career. I was truly loving life. In fact, during this time I took on an adventurous little PR project, got written up in an international marketing and PR book and even won a prestigious PR award. All the while working on my happiness. Can you believe it?! This is a process that will continue to evolve and change for us as we go through life. It’s important to notice when we are feeing burned out or stuck and re-evaluate all of these areas. We are in charge of our happiness and that we need to be intentional in creating it. Now, one of the things that I love in my life is that I am a certified master life coach with the gift of leading my clients to living their best lives. If you could use a little help with this, reach out to me! We will take a look at where you are with it, where you want to be and what is holding you back. I would love to work with you. Remember! I have created the Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care to help you feel like your best self every day. You will find it on my website. Don’t forget to join the Life Designed Community on Facebook! Thank you! See you next week!
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